Spencer Clarke Group Raises £146 for Children in Need

1-2 minutes

In what has now become an annual tradition, we’re thrilled to have raised £146 for BBC’s Children In Need by recreating the TV game show, The Weakest Link.

For the third year in a row, Divisional Manager, Richard Shorrock took on the role of host Anne Robinson, and was dressed to impress to quiz ten members of staff. Complete with Pudsey ears and Weakest Link whiteboards at the ready, the contestants prepared for a challenging game.

From questions like ‘what is the only continent with land in four hemispheres?’ to ‘how many of Santa’s reindeers have names beginning with the letter D?’ general knowledge and nerves were put to the test.

One by one, players were voted off leaving Managing Consultant Niall Murphy and Lead Consultant Paul Best to fight for the title of Strongest Link. Despite impressive knowledge and surviving 9 intense rounds, Paul fell at the last hurdle, and Niall walked away victorious as the Strongest Link.

Since 1980, BBC Children in Need has raised more than £1 billion in an effort to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people around the UK. 

During the game, the team at Spencer Clarke Group successfully and tactfully banked £146 for Children In Need, which contributed towards the overall total of £33.5 million. This was the recruitment agency's best effort yet after raising £92 for the past 2 consecutive years.

Why not watch the full video - or the bloopers video - now! 

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