Meet the Team - Anna Cochrane

1-2 minutes

We recently caught up with Compliance Supervisor, Anna Cochrane, to discover what motivates her at work and how she would describe working at Spencer Clarke Group.

How long have you worked at Spencer Clarke Group?

I started with Spencer Clarke Group in February 2023. It's been so easy to settle in and has absolutely flown by, it feels like I've been here ages!  

What does your role entail?

I work in compliance for the education team looking after 2 consultants. I am responsible for making sure that our candidates transitioning into work is as quick and smooth as possible.

What do you love most about what you do?

I love having that close contact with our candidates, building relationships with them and within the team. After being in a customer facing role for so many years, I love working with all different personalities.

What motivates you at work?

Being able to achieve and exceed targets and being part of the overall success of my team gives me a lot of job satisfaction. 

My biggest motivation are my two little girls; being able to provide them with family holidays and days out which we can all spend together is the best feeling - especially knowing that I'm able to achieve this due to all my hard work at Spencer Clarke Group!

How would you describe working at Spencer Clarke Group?

It's such a fun place to work and never short of a few laughs. It can get very competitive, especially when there are team games involved. Spencer Clarke Group has an amazing culture for encouraging and recognising hard work, creative thinking and success and it's exciting to be a part of it.

Tell us about your career path so far.

Before beginning my career at Spencer Clarke Group. I worked as a makeup artist for 11 years. Following that, I joined Spencer Clarke Group! 

I have already been on a journey as I started in the marketing team as a Marketing Assistant which I loved and they made me feel right at home. Then with an opening in compliance, I took the opportunity to develop my skills further and I am excited to see where this takes me.

How would your colleagues describe you?

I would like to think they would describe me as friendly, a good laugh, organised and determined.

Where are we most likely to find you outside of work?

Outside of work, you are most likely to find me on a family day out taking the dogs for a nice walk.

Tell us something we’d never guess about you!

I was a rugby captain at school, but having 3 older brothers maybe it's no surprise.

What’s next for you at Spencer Clarke Group?

I'm looking forward to getting stuck into my new role and discovering what's next. I love being able to identify people's strengths and coach and develop helping them achieve their goals so I would love to lead a team of my own one day. 

10 Quick Fire Questions!

What’s your favourite film?

Step brothers.

Where’s the best place you’ve travelled to? 

San Francisco.

What advice would you give to your young self?

Say yes to every opportunity!

Have you ever met anyone famous? 

Justin Rose.

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island? 

Hairbrush, toothbrush and my dogs.

Do you have any pets? 

Yes, I have 2 dogs Fudge and Rolo.

Do you have any hidden talents? 

I'm good at baking, crafting and doing anything creative! 

What’s the best gig you’ve been to?


What animal is your spirit animal?

Sprocker Spaniel.

What’s your guilty pleasure? 

Sweets, cake, just food in general!

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