What is the STAR Technique?
06 Mar, 20231-2 minutes
If you struggle to give concise answers during an interview, the STAR technique is a great method for structuring comprehensive answers with all the information you need to convey to the interviewers. Some interviewers will even ask you to answer questions in this format.
Situation (S)
Set the scene to give context.
Task (T)
Describe the task which needed completing to overcome the challenge.
Action (A)
Explain what you did to overcome the challenge.
Result (R)
Share the outcome and the impact it made.
The STAR method is particularly helpful when answering competency based questions such as “Describe a time when..." or “Give us an example of a situation when…”
It is a good idea to prepare some answers ahead of your interview using the STAR technique. Whilst you can’t predict exactly what you will be asked, by thinking ahead you will at least have some answers ready to go.
Example - Describe a time when you have been set a big challenge.
Situation (S) - We are an ecommerce business which specialises in selling baby clothes.
Task (T) - Our team was asked to increase the number of sales from the website by 50%.
Action (A) - By implementing new email automation software, we were able to reach our customers in a more targeted way to increase sales.
Result (R) - Within 3 months of implementing the software, sales had increased by 175% which enabled us to invest into the future growth of the business.
Questions which can be answered using the STAR technique
- Tell me about a time you made a mistake at work.
- Tell me about a big decision you have recently made.
- Give me an example of a situation where you have had to deal with conflict.
- Describe a situation when you had to lead a team.
- Tell me about a time when your communication skills solved a problem.
- Give me an example of when you overcame the odds to achieve success.
- Describe to me how you maintain positive relationships with colleagues.
- Tell me how you would handle having to fire a colleague.
- Give me an example of a situation when you rewarded a team member.
- Describe your biggest achievement to date.
Who is Spencer Clarke Group?
Since 2017, we've been changing the face of recruitment. From our employees, to the way we do business, to the culture within our office, we're determined to make a difference and create a positive impact on everyone around us.
Recruitment to us isn't just about matching candidates and clients; we’re passionate about finding candidates the perfect job which has the ability to boost their salary and standard of living, better their work life balance and improve their mental health.
Similarly, we understand the impact which an experienced and skilled employee can make to a business and we love seeing clients thrive through the hard work of candidates which we have placed with them.
We operate in two sectors:
In eleven specialisms:
Healthcare, Social Care & Nursing
Corporate Functions & Business Support
Planning, Development & Regeneration
Highways, Infrastructure & Engineering
If you’re searching for a new role, why not visit our job page to take a look at the latest opportunities? Alternatively, upload your CV and one of our experienced consultants will contact you when a relevant opportunity becomes available.
If you’re struggling to fill a role, why don’t you give us a call on 01772 954200 to see how we can help? One of our consultants will be happy to listen to the challenges which you are facing and advise on the best possible solution for you.