Meet the Team - Richard Shorrock
14 Feb, 20231-2 minutes
We recently caught up with our Divisional Manager, Richard Shorrock, to discover what he loves about Spencer Clarke Group, how his career path led him from hospitality into the world of recruitment and what’s next in his career.
How long have you worked at Spencer Clarke Group?
I have worked here since July 2018 - I was one of the very first employees here!
What markets do you specialise in?
I specialise in Interim & Executive Appointments within SEND, Education & the Public Sector.
What do you love most about what you do?
I love having the opportunity to help candidates with their professional development and career progression - it’s very rewarding.
I also love the working environment, there’s great camaraderie within the team and I thrive off being around like minded people who are motivated to succeed.
What motivates you at work?
My biggest motivator to work hard is the ability to look after my family and to live a comfortable life where there are no boundaries to what you can do.
It’s refreshing to be in an environment where the Directors are constantly putting things in place to motivate the staff. We have an Employee Of the Month which is voted for by the staff and the two with the most votes spin a wheel to win a prize such as a TV or spa day - incidentally, I have won it quite a few times!
The Directors are keen to present opportunities for the team to create a good life for themselves which is something you don’t always see in some businesses.
How would you describe working at Spencer Clarke Group?
The office is a very fun place to be and there’s always something going on - it’s not your average mundane 9-5! Every day is different which keeps it interesting and even though the work can sometimes be hard, the results make it all worthwhile.
Tell us about your career path so far.
After leaving school, I started as a waiter at the Olive Tree Brasserie in Lytham. This led me onto becoming a Restaurant Manager at a nearby chain of hospitality venues. Within 12 months, I was promoted to General Manager and I spent ten years in this role.
Towards the end of this time, my brother Mike and his business partner Michael Spencer had started Spencer Clarke Group and they persuaded me to join them on their new venture.
For me, it was a chance to get out of hospitality and into a career with great prospects which is an opportunity I never thought I’d get. As much as I enjoyed my time in hospitality, I was managing 70 staff, working nearly every day and working unsociable hours and now I enjoy a much better work-life balance.
How would your colleagues describe you?
They would probably describe me as funny, slightly strange at times and someone who is always in a good mood. I’m always on hand to help if anyone has a problem or needs help with anything.
Where are we most likely to find you outside of work?
You would probably find me playing golf at Old Links Golf Club in St Anne’s or on Lytham beach walking my excitable puppy, Mabel. If I’m not at one of those places, I would probably be in a nice cocktail bar somewhere with a Margarita On the Rocks in my hand!
Tell us something we’d never guess about you!
I used to play rugby for Lancashire County but I stopped after damaging my knee - I still have pins in my knee now!
What’s next for you at Spencer Clarke Group?
It’s a really exciting time to be at Spencer Clarke Group. For my team specifically, we’re looking to develop the team by adding 2-3 new members so I will be instrumental in bringing them up to speed on the education and SEND sector, how we work and how to succeed within the job.
Despite specialising in one sector, I’m also keen to help the progression of Spencer Clarke Group overall. The business has grown very quickly already so I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes from here.
10 Quick Fire Questions!
What’s your favourite film?
Shawshank Redemption.
Where’s the best place you’ve traveled to?
I would have to say Cancún in Mexico.
What advice would you give to your young self?
Stay patient - whatever you’re looking for, it comes eventually.
Have you ever met anyone famous?
Yes, Samuel L Jackson came into one of my restaurants for dinner once!
What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?
I’d have to take my dog Mabel, a bag of sweets and a pillow!
Do you have any pets?
Yes, Mabel and Minnie - they're Sprocker Spaniels.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I’m double jointed in my hands if that counts?
What’s the best gig you’ve been to?
ANTS at Ushuaïa in Ibiza.
What animal is your spirit animal?
That would be a leopard because I’m very fast!
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Dairy Lee Dunkers - they’re my favourite!