Meet the Team - Niall Murphy

1-2 minutes

We recently caught up with Managing Consultant, Niall Murphy, to learn more about his love for recruitment and an unexpected hidden talent!

How long have you worked at Spencer Clarke Group?

I’ve worked here since September 2022 and it’s flown by so far. I’ve settled in well to the team thanks to how welcoming everyone has been.

What markets do you specialise in?

I specialise in education, covering the North West of England, recruiting for Primary and Special Needs Schools. It’s a really rewarding market!

What do you love most about what you do?

There’s a lot of things I love about my job but I’d say the best things for me are the job satisfaction of finding someone a new role. It’s also very rewarding to know that the people I help are having a positive impact on a young person’s life.

What motivates you at work?

My main motivation is to provide for my wife and daughter. Because of its importance, I would also never want to let a school down so this also really motivates me day to day. Knowing I have helped someone secure their dream role keeps me focused.

How would you describe working at Spencer Clarke Group?

I’d definitely say that it’s a relaxed atmosphere here. Saying this though, everyone works really hard and we all have one common goal which helps the business run efficiently. There is an element of friendly competition but we all support each other's successes. Spencer Clarke Group is a really vibrant place to work with great people.

Tell us about your career path so far.

I graduated from University in 2014 with a Physical Education degree and planned to train as a PE teacher. However, after moving to Manchester, a friend suggested I apply for a role in education recruitment.

The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in me being furloughed from this company and it was during this time that I went back to University to train to teach. I spent 2 happy years teaching but decided that recruitment was the career for me.

The rest is history!

How would your colleagues describe you?

They would describe me as friendly, a gentleman, bad at pool and a bit mischievous!

Where are we most likely to find you outside of work?

I’m a big rugby fan so you’d probably find me on the pitch coaching a team of talented players. If I’m not there, I’ll either be at the park with my daughter or most weekends at a kids birthday party. She has a better social life than me!

Tell us something we’d never guess about you!

My step dad used to own a farm and I’d regularly help him milk the cows. I didn’t fancy becoming a full time farmer so I had a bit of a career change to recruitment.

What’s next for you at Spencer Clarke Group?

One of my main aims is to lead a high performing team and I think there is definitely the support in place here for me to be able to do that one day. I’d love to be able to share my knowledge with others.

10 Quick Fire Questions!

What’s your favourite film?

It has to be Coach Carter, I’ve seen it countless times!

Where’s the best place you’ve travelled to?

I’d say Rome, I went with my wife and we drank lots of coffee and ate lots of pizza.

What advice would you give to your young self?

Don’t overthink things.

Have you ever met anyone famous?

Kevin Sinfield. He’s a rugby player that ran 10 marathons in 10 days, impressive!

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?

I’d take a paddle ball for entertainment, my pillow and my daughter.

Do you have any pets?

I have a black cat called Spud and a ginger cat called Carrots.

Do you have any hidden talents?

Milking cows!

What’s the best gig you’ve been to?

Definitely Leeds Festival in 2009. The whole event was great but I particularly enjoyed seeing Arctic Monkeys and Jamie T live.

What animal is your spirit animal?

A sloth because they’re lazy and slow.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

One Direction! My favourite song of theirs is ‘Kiss You’.

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