How Do Speech and Language Therapists Promote Positive Outcomes?

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In this blog, you will learn: 

  • How Speech and Language Therapists promote positive outcomes.
  • The benefits of speech and language therapy.
  • Where the latest Speech and Language Therapist jobs are and how to apply for them. 

Speech and Language Therapists provide life changing treatment and care to people of all ages, who have difficulties with swallowing, speech, language, eating and drinking.

They provide personalised interventions such as techniques and exercises to increase swallowing abilities, better communication skills and support an individual’s overall quality of life.

According to Communication Matters, ‘There are around 13,000 people practising speech and language therapy in the UK and around 2.5 million people in the UK who have speech or language difficulty. 

They also found that 5% of children enter school with difficulties in speech and language and 30% of people who have had a stroke have a persistent speech and language disorder.

From enhancing vocal quality to increasing independence, in our latest blog, we’re exploring how Speech and Language Therapists are able to promote positive outcomes for individuals with communication needs. 

How do Speech and Language Therapists promote positive outcomes?

Speech and Language Therapists promote positive outcomes by creating personalised care plans, tailored to their patients needs. By conducting assessments, Speech and Language Therapists are able to identify specific communication goals and tailor interventions accordingly.

These interventions often include a combination of activities, exercises and strategies designed to improve their patients speech, language and social communication skills.  

Speech and Language Therapist, Clare Bates, said “Speech and Language Therapists who address communication difficulties related to swallowing, voice, and speech clarity enhance an individual’s quality of life by enabling effective communication and participation in social activities.”

Speech and Language Therapists regularly monitor their patients progress and make adjustments as and when needed. 

Some of the main ways Speech and Language Therapists promote positive outcomes are:

  • Enhancing communication skills.
  • Improving social skills.
  • Increasing independence.
  • Improving swallowing function.
  • Improving self esteem.

Enhancing communication skills

Speech and Language Therapists enhance communication skills through a varied approach. They use techniques such as articulation exercises which may include tongue twisters, blowing bubbles and mimicking facial expressions, which can improve speech clarity and fluency. 

They also use strategies such as visual aids, which may include graphics, charts, images and objects to improve language comprehension and expression. 

By creating personalised therapy plans, Speech and Language Therapists create a positive environment that aims to overcome barriers and develop communication skills.

Clare Bates said “Speech and Language Therapists enhance communication skills by supporting people to develop their verbal and nonverbal communication, including the development of expressive language, understanding language and instructions, developing social and emotional communication.”

Improving social skills

Speech and Language Therapists improve social skills through creating personalised therapy plans that are designed to address individual communication difficulties.

They assess language comprehension, expression, and pragmatic language skills to identify areas of need to improve speech clarity and expand vocabulary.

Speech and Language Therapists also teach individuals how to start and maintain conversations, and use appropriate language. They do so by getting individuals to practise their skills in real world scenarios such as role play and engaging in social skills groups, which will have a positive impact at school, work and relationships.

The techniques used may differ between adults and children. For example, if a Speech and Language Therapist is working with a child, they may incorporate play-based activities such as playing with toys or characters to make learning fun and interactive. 

However, if they’re working with an adult, Speech and Language Therapists might find an activity that mimics a real-life situation that they'll encounter at some point, such as a job interview or social event.

Increasing independence

Speech and language therapy plays a crucial role in increasing independence by directly addressing communication obstacles. As individuals become more independent through their speech and language therapy, they should gain the confidence to assert themselves in various aspects of life such as relationships, work or school and social settings. This creates self-resilience which can have a positive impact on their life. 

Speech and Language Therapists can help individuals increase their confidence by giving them opportunities for them to make decisions, ask questions and acknowledge their ideas.

Improving swallowing function

According to the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists 30% of people who use speech and language therapy services have difficulties with eating, drinking and swallowing.

Speech and Language Therapists will assess their patients to see whether there is a risk of food or drink entering their airways. 

They will use techniques and exercises such as facial massages and tongue, lip, and jaw exercises to strengthen the muscles in an individual's mouth. This will enhance their communication skills and increase their independence with eating and drinking, which can help to improve their overall quality of life. 

Improving self esteem

Speech and Language Therapists might be able to recognise the signs of low self esteem in a patient, which could result from difficulties with speech and language and manifest in negative self-talk. 

By implementing tools and strategies to help with speech and language, a Speech and Language Therapist is able to work alongside their patient towards boosting their confidence. 

Speech and language therapy is also an essential part in improving self esteem as it equips individuals with the tools needed to voice their wants and needs. Through learning to articulate their needs, express discomfort and ask for help, individuals are given a sense of independence which can positively impact their confidence.

Speech & Language Therapist jobs

If you’re searching for your next Speech & Language Therapist job, why not take a look at the latest vacancies, or simply upload your CV to be notified when a relevant position becomes available. 

Recruit Speech & Language Therapists

As healthcare recruitment specialists, we support local authorities and private sector businesses nationwide with their temporary, interim and permanent recruitment needs. 

If you’re struggling to fill a Speech & Language Therapist vacancy, why not get in touch with our healthcare specialist, Natalie Boaler on 01772 954200 to see how we can help?

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Established in 2017, we’re a vibrant and progressive recruitment agency based in the heart of the North West. 

We continually reimagine the recruitment process to challenge convention and defy expectations; from creating a better recruitment experience to remodelling employee engagement, we thrive off doing things differently and turning heads along the way. 

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